LinkArabia Anit Corruption Policy

Company Name: LinkArabia Recruiting Agency
Registration Authority: Ministry of Overseas & Human Resources Development, Pakistan
Policy Name: Anti Corruption Policy
Policy Effective Date: [12-12-2013]
Reviewed by: [Mr. Shahzad]
Next Review Date: [12-12-2025]

1. Purpose:

The purpose of this Anti-Corruption Policy is to establish and enforce clear ethical guidelines that prohibit any form of corruption or bribery in LinkArabia’s operations. LinkArabia is committed to conducting its recruitment business with honesty, transparency, and integrity, ensuring compliance with national and international anti-corruption laws and regulations.

2. Scope:

This policy applies to all employees, officers, directors, agents, consultants, and third-party representatives of LinkArabia. It covers all activities related to recruiting, placement, and dealings with clients, candidates, vendors, government officials, and other stakeholders in Pakistan and overseas.

3. Definition of Corruption:

Corruption includes any action that involves offering, giving, receiving, or soliciting something of value as a means to influence the actions of an individual or organization in a position of trust. Forms of corruption include:

  • Bribery: Offering or receiving something of value to influence a business decision.
  • Kickbacks: Payment for a favor or improper advantage.
  • Embezzlement: Theft or misappropriation of funds or property entrusted to one’s care.
  • Fraud: Deception intended to result in financial or personal gain.

4. Policy Statement:

LinkArabia strictly prohibits all forms of corruption, bribery, or unethical practices. The company expects all employees and third-party representatives to comply with this policy and to refrain from:

  • Offering, giving, or accepting bribes or illegal payments.
  • Facilitating unlawful favors for personal or business gain.
  • Misrepresenting or falsifying documents, contracts, or information related to recruitment services.
  • Engaging in conflicts of interest that compromise integrity.

5. Legal Compliance:

LinkArabia complies with the anti-corruption laws of Pakistan.

6. Gifts and Hospitality:

While LinkArabia recognizes that offering gifts and hospitality can be part of cultural norms, any such offerings must:

  • Be modest and not exceed acceptable business standards.
  • Not be intended to influence or appear to influence business decisions.
  • Be transparently declared and approved by the management where necessary. LinkArabia prohibits the acceptance of lavish gifts or excessive hospitality that could be perceived as a bribe.

7. Facilitation Payments:

Facilitation payments, also known as “speed payments,” made to expedite routine governmental actions (e.g., processing of documents) are strictly prohibited. Employees or representatives of LinkArabia are not allowed to engage in or authorize such payments under any circumstances.

8. Reporting and Whistleblowing:

LinkArabia encourages employees and third-party representatives to report any suspected corruption or unethical behavior through a confidential whistleblowing mechanism. No retaliation will be made against any employee who in good faith reports such behavior. All reports will be thoroughly investigated, and appropriate action will be taken, including disciplinary measures or legal proceedings.

9. Responsibilities:

  • Management Responsibilities: Senior management is responsible for implementing and overseeing this Anti-Corruption Policy. They will ensure that all employees are adequately trained and aware of the company’s stance against corruption.
  • Employee Responsibilities: All employees are expected to understand, comply with, and report any violations of this policy. They must avoid any involvement in corrupt activities, both directly and indirectly.
  • Third-Party Responsibilities: Third-party agents, consultants, or vendors working with LinkArabia must adhere to this policy. Any violation by third parties will result in termination of the business relationship and legal action if necessary.

10. Penalties for Non-Compliance:

Non-compliance with this Anti-Corruption Policy will result in severe disciplinary action, including dismissal and possible legal action, depending on the severity of the offense. Violations of anti-corruption laws can also lead to fines and imprisonment under applicable law.

11. Training and Awareness:

LinkArabia will provide regular training to all employees and representatives to ensure they understand the risks of corruption and how to prevent it. The company will promote awareness of the importance of ethical conduct in all its recruitment processes.

12. Monitoring and Review:

This Anti-Corruption Policy is subject to periodic review by senior management to ensure its effectiveness and to reflect any changes in laws or business practices. LinkArabia will monitor compliance through regular audits and feedback from employees and clients.


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